Mapping the Child Care Crisis in Multnomah County

Social Venture Partners (SVP) is a group of venture philanthropists in Oregon dedicated to leveraging their skills, money, and influence to provide access to early learning for all children in Multnomah County, regardless of race or socioeconomic status. However, achieving this goal required a thorough analysis of the current childcare landscape, including supply, demand, and the approximate shortfall. Unfortunately, no up-to-date analysis of this kind existed for Multnomah County. Without this crucial data, SVP lacked the necessary information to advocate for policy changes or make informed investments, making it impossible to ensure early learning access for every child.
In partnership with the Low-Income Investment Fund (LIIF), Openfields developed an innovative methodology to conduct a comprehensive childcare supply and demand analysis for Multnomah County. By analyzing data from state licensing files, conducting a survey of providers, and utilizing census data, Openfields estimated a gap of nearly 20,000 childcare spots needed to meet current demand. Additionally, Openfields used projection techniques to anticipate future demand trends, forecasting an approximate 20% increase in childcare demand by 2035.

To effectively present the results and equip SVP with the necessary tools to develop childcare solutions, Openfields created a series of interactive maps and visualizations embedded in an ESRI StoryMap website, accompanied by an interactive dashboard. This approach far exceeded SVP’s initial expectations of a simple map of childcare supply and demand.

Examining the factors influencing childcare through a narrative series of maps and visualizations enabled SVP to strategically address needs and inequities. The interactive dashboard provided a unique visualization of the county’s licensed childcare data, unlike any other current resource for Multnomah childcare providers. The StoryMap and dashboard became essential tools for SVP in pursuing the following goals:
- Increasing overall childcare seats, with a focus on infants and toddlers.
- Incentivizing the expansion of childcare seats in lower-income areas, where shortfalls are greater.
- Funding innovative ideas for increasing flexible scheduling and non-traditional hours among licensed daycare centers.
Openfields’ analysis and presentation of findings through an interactive website and dashboard empowered SVP with vital information, data, and an educational tool. This allowed SVP to:
- Better understand the current and future need for more childcare spots in Multnomah County.
- Use the analysis, website, and dashboard as informative tools when convening stakeholders and decision-makers.
- Compellingly communicate the need for increased investment and innovative solutions to mobilize citizens and garner support for expanding access to childcare for every child in Multnomah County.
About Low-Income Investment Fund
LIIF supports community leaders and development practitioners that do the work to provide families with affordable housing, high-quality early care, educational opportunities, good jobs and the ability to live healthy lives. These communities foster a sense of belonging, value civic engagement, and promote equity and justice.